Download Thunderhead PetraSim 2022.3.1003 full license
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Working with Thunderhead PetraSim 2022.3.1003 full license
Descriptions: PetraSim is a GUI for TOUGH2, TOUGH2-MP, T2VOC, TMVOC, TOUGHREACT, TOUGH-Fx/HYDRATE. These simulators are recognized worldwide for their powerful fluid flow and heat transfer simulation capabilities in porous and fractured media.
New Features/Improvements
TOUGH3 simulations can now be run through the interface using TOUGH3 executables purchased through LBL (previous versions of PetraSim required that TOUGH3 simulations be run through a command line outside of the interface).
During a TOUGH3 simulation run, the user has the option of creating new input files based on updates to the SIM file, or using the existing input files. This allows the user to update INFILEs created by PetraSim, and then run the simulation using the edited input files.
TOUGH3 COFT, FOFT and GOFT data can now be displayed in the PetraSim interface through the Cell History, Connection and Sink/Source Plots.
A new TOUGH3 CSV Convertor tool is now installed with PetraSim and is used to convert TOUGH3 output to a format compatible with PetraSim.
The File | Load Cell Flow Rates tool, which is used to load cell-based sink/source data using an ASCII file, now works with files that reference either the Cell Name and Cell ID (previous versions of PetraSim required that Cell Names be used).
A new “cornerpoint” CSV file is created by PetraSim when SIM files are saved or run. These includes mesh geometry that can be used to transfer PetraSim meshes to other programs, such as Amarile’s RE-Studio. Cornerpoint files are only created for rectangular meshes. This feature is disabled for polygonal and radial meshes.
The interface has been updated with numerous notes indicating when a feature is specific to TOUGH2, and cannot be used for TOUGH3.
The Edit Cell Data dialog has been updated to show the X and Y spacing for rectangular meshes.
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