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Sep 232022

Download Bentley OpenFlows WaterGEMS CONNECT Edition 10.04 full license

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Working with Bentley OpenFlows WaterGEMS CONNECT Edition 10.04 full

Working with Bentley OpenFlows WaterGEMS CONNECT Edition 10.04 full

Description: WaterGEMS is an advanced version of Bentley’s WaterCAD software , a comprehensive tool to aid in decision-making in water distribution network design and analysis. This software improves your knowledge about how water distribution infrastructure behaves as a system, how this infrastructure interacts with operational strategies, and how the distribution network grows based on population growth and their ever-increasing needs. Using this program, you will have everything you need to simulate water distribution networks, analyze critical situations and energy costs in a flexible software package.
WaterGEMS provides a large number of tools to increase reliability, increase efficiency, and increase system tolerance. Using this program, it is possible to identify potential system problems, and considering that realistic modeling of complex water systems is difficult, using the capabilities WaterGEMS can have detailed modeling of water pumps, pump optimization strategies and planning for common operations such as shutting them down to minimize failures.
Also, when you need to replace the current water infrastructure with new examples, of course, many of the new infrastructure will have commonalities with the old system, in this case, repeating these tasks will be very boring and unreasonable. Here, too, WaterGEMS with tools such as Re-mapping of piping etc. eliminates many repetitive tasks and thus increases the decision-making speed of engineers in this field.
Features and features of WaterGEMS software:
Analysis of piping system and critical points
The possibility of optimizing the system to protect against heat flows
Ability to build and manage hydraulic models
Complete design of water distribution network
The possibility of planning for the development of flushing operations
The ability to detect water leaks
Energy Management
Plumbing based on priorities
Network simulation live and in real time
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