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download 3D Solid Edge CAD – Essentials training videos

3D Solid Edge CAD - Essentials training videos
3D Solid Edge CAD – Essentials training videos

This course will help you learn the basics of 3D Computer Aided Design using Solid Edge software. You’ll be shown how to build basic shapes in different ways to give you a really good grounding from which to take you to the next level.
The course uses real-life screen grabbed video to accompany the written instructions and short quizzes. It shouldn’t take you more than an hour to complete.
Lecture 1 Introduction
Section 1: Simple shapes
Lecture 2 Preparation
Lecture 3 Box command
Lecture 4 Save and close process
Lecture 5 More basic shapes
Lecture 6 How to rotate and magnify your 3D model
Lecture 7 Well done!
Section 2: More Complex Shapes
Lecture 8 Building a shape using a Sketch
Lecture 9 Sketching practice
Lecture 10 Modifying Shapes
Lecture 11 Dimensioning (adding size)
Lecture 12 Adding more material quickly
Lecture 13 Adding and removing material
Section 3: Parametric modelling
Lecture 14 Ordered sketching
Lecture 15 Ordered modelling
Lecture 16 Synchronous versus Ordered modelling
Lecture 17 Modified Ordered modelling
Lecture 18 Adding size
Lecture 19 Adding and removing material parametrically
Lecture 20 Removing material reduced steps method
Section 4: More sketching
Lecture 21 Smart sketching Part 1
Lecture 22 Smart sketching Part 2
Lecture 23 Adding planes
Section 5: Conclusion
Lecture 24 You’re at the end! Of the beginning …
Lecture 25 Practice modeling exercise
Lecture 26 Terminology
For download this course, please click download

By admin

We have 10 years for software training and supply full soft. We guarantee the software which we supply 100% working with full license.

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