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Download Deswik Suite 2023.2.818 win64 full license

Link download Deswik Suite 2023.2.818 x64 full crack

Working with Deswik Suite 2023.2.818 full license

Working with Deswik Suite 2023.2.818 full license

Description: Deswik Suite 2023.2.818 is a set of specialized software for designing, modeling and managing operations of various mining projects published by Deswik. This software consists of a total of 35 different modules, each of which has unique applications and adds specific functions to the core of the software. The four basic modules of the software are named Deswik.CAD, Deswik.Sched, Deswik.MD and Deswik.OPS respectively, and other modules are placed in lower priorities after these four important modules. This software helps engineers and industrial managers to work faster and more professionally. With the help of this software, the time of the design and operation team has been saved, and engineers can design more detailed maps and operational plans, examine different scenarios, and as a result, save financial, time, and human resources.
This software is almost an interdisciplinary tool and has been used by various people such as mining engineers, geologists, surveyors, production and operation supervisors, etc. The modules of this software are categorized in 6 titles of design, planning, blasting and drilling, mapping, geology, operation and management of operational processes and each has its own applications. Despite the separation of software modules, the data flow between them will not stop under any circumstances, and the user can use the data of one module simultaneously (Real-Time) in other modules as well.
List of modules of Deswik Suite 2023.2.818 software collection:
Deswik.CAD: advanced solid modeling and design platform with fully professional data management capabilities
Deswik.Sched: planning and management of mining processes using Gantt chart
Deswik.IS: interactive and advanced planning tool
Deswik.LHS: Landform analysis and physical properties of land and ways of transporting minerals with scenario-based modeling and analysis capabilities
Deswik.AdvOPM: open pit (open pit mining) and open pit mining
Deswik.AdvUGM: Mining and extraction of underground metals
Deswik.AdvUGC: Extraction from underground coal mines
Deswik.AdvOCC: open pit mining
Deswik.OPSTS: Short Term Planning for Open Source Mining
Deswik.GO: Global Optimization
Deswik.LandformEng: Landform engineering and analysis
Deswik.WaterCatchment: Catchment Analysis
And …
Features of Deswik Suite 2023.2.818 software package:
Providing 35 practical software modules in various fields of mining, such as design, operation management, geology, planning, etc.
Instant flow of information between different modules
Advanced solid design and modeling with professional data management capabilities
Short-term and long-term planning for various mining projects
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By admin

We have 10 years for software training and supply full soft. We guarantee the software which we supply 100% working with full license.

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