Download Quite Imposing Plus 5.3d N-I32 for Adobe Acrobat full license

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Quite Imposing Plus5.3d N-I32 for Adobe Acrobat

Quite Imposing Plus 5.3d N-I32 for Adobe Acrobat

Working with Quite Imposing Plus 5.3d N-I32 for Acrobat

Working with Quite Imposing Plus 5.3d N-I32 for Acrobat

Systems: 32bit, 64bit
Interface language: English
System requirements: Windows 7 or 10 or 11 and Acrobat 9.0/10.0/11.0/2015/2017/2021/2022/2023/DC

Description: Quite Imposing Plus is an Adobe Acrobat imposition plugin. Allows you to change the size, order, number, connect and add pages of a pdf document to printed sheets, create brochures directly in Adobe Acrobat.
Add. Information: What’s new:
• Combining Variable Data: Using a CSV or TXT file, add text blocks or images to multiple PDF pages.
• Control panel customization: add new panels, change buttons, add sequences directly to the panel.
• N-Up can operate from right to left.
• Creep can use scaling instead of shifting so that content is not lost.
• Page monitor to display operational information, including page size and information about the blind of the open document.
• Manual Overlay: Performance has been greatly improved for some large files.
• Trim & Shift – Add or trim all four edges by a fixed amount.
• Import sequences or steps from other sequences or XML files. Filter sequences by name
• Conditions in sequences provide more flexibility, such as different jobs based on page count, page sizes, or metadata (such as file name or keywords)
• Conditions can generate an error or warning message, or stop the job if a problem occurs, such as the wrong page size or number of pages.
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Please see youtube video for download instruction by open *.txt file and copy youtube video link paste to your browser If you don’t know how to download.
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We have 10 years for software training and supply full soft. We guarantee the software which we supply 100% working with full license.

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