Download KOMPAS-3D 20 x64 full license forever
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Working with KOMPAS-3D 20 x64 full
Description: KOMPAS-3D or KOMPAS-3D is a flexible 3D modeling system that allows you to create models in several ways, including:
– Low modeling using finished components
– Modeling using parts design to match specific designs
– Modeling based on design drawings, such as kinematic diagrams
– or any combination of these modeling methods
These approaches allow you to easily create editable unified templates. The KOMPAS-3D system has powerful functions for project management of thousands of subassemblies, parts and standard library products. This software supports all 3D solids and surface modeling capabilities that are standard among mid-range CAD/CAM programs.
Features and features of KOMPAS-3D software:
Visually create new geometric shapes and import and manipulate surfaces
Dependent settings for element parameters
Boolean operators to generate incomplete shape elements; Functions include union, intersection, and subtraction
advanced surface and shape modeling for designing complex, ergonomic and easy-to-use industrial products; Functions include grid points, curved grid, driven surfaces, extruders, lifted surfaces, displacement surfaces
Construction of auxiliary lines and planes and spatial curves, including broken lines, circles and spirals
Structural elements such as knives, fillets, holes, hardness elements and thin wall shells
Create any arrays and assembly components
Component modeling with assemblies, with relative positioning of components in assemblies
Constraints for coupled assembly components, including automatic constraints for faster assembly creation
Special tools to simplify work with large collections
Flexible parts and assembly editing, including fixed points
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