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Download Tower Numerics tnxFoundation beta full license

Link download Tower Numerics tnxFoundation beta full crack

Working with Tower Numerics tnxFoundation beta full license

Working with Tower Numerics tnxFoundation beta full license

Description: tnxFoundation is a standalone application for tower foundation design. It may be used as an extension of tnxTower, or as a separate program. tnxFoundation features automatic import of support geometry and load data from tnxTower analyses. Alternatively, this information can be entered manually for each foundation design project.
Key Features
Multiple foundation types (Pad and Pier, Pad, Caisson, Pad with Piles, Pad and Pier with Piles, Mat and Piers, Mat, Mat with Piles, Mat and Piers with Piles)
Material and geometry type definitions
Soil layer definitions
Imported or user-defined load cases and load combinations
Foundation geometry optimization
Foundation stability verification
Required reinforcement determination
Post-installed anchor analysis
Reports with calculation results
Import of tower support data (monopoles, self-supporting lattice towers, guyed towers, guy anchor blocks)
Supported unit systems: US and Metric
User-editable databases (concrete, reinforcing steel, steel pile, soils)
Powerful Design Capabilities

Complete verification of failure modes: bearing, sliding, uplift, and overturning
Concrete footing analysis and design: flexure, one-way and punching shear, geometry optimization
Concrete caisson analysis and design: flexure, compression, uplift, lateral loads (Broms, p-y), geometry optimization
Pile and pile cap analysis and design: single pile and pile group compression/tension, pile axial capacity, pile cap flexure, one-way and punching shear, geometry optimization
tnxFoundation caisson diagrams
Extensive Analysis and Design Reporting

Geotechnical and structural design reports
Summary and detailed reports for all foundation types
Shear, moment, and deflection diagrams for caissons
Clear and comprehensive presentation of the results
MS Word and PDF formatted documents
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By admin

We have 10 years for software training and supply full soft. We guarantee the software which we supply 100% working with full license.

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