Working with Zond Software Mega Suite 2017 full
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Working with Zond Software Mega Suite 2017 full

Description of Zond Software Mega Suite 2017

Geophysical data interpretation programs are widely used all over the world. Depending on the tasks of the developer company, the programs cover various areas of geophysics. Most of them are designed to interpret oil seismic exploration data. We present you a Russian development focused mainly on shallow geophysics – the Zond software package . The package has been developed since 2000 and includes the main areas of geophysics: electrical exploration, seismic exploration, magnetic exploration and gravity exploration. Most programs are designed for electrical exploration on direct and alternating current. Currently, the seismic direction is actively developing. The programs are constantly being improved. This is facilitated by the direct participation of developers in the process of interpreting field data, as well as numerous consultations with representatives of industrial organizations. It is the understanding of the problems of real field geophysics that allows developers to increase the efficiency of software solutions. When developing programs, special attention is paid to convenience, ease of use, a variety of visualization tools and taking into account a priori information. Numerous options for displaying borehole and other geological information are implemented. Depending on the interpreter’s ideas about the nature of the section, the program provides the user with a choice of data interpretation algorithms. A convenient control system allows you to choose from a variety of equivalent solutions the one that is best from both a geophysical and geological point of view. A friendly, intuitive interface and wide possibilities for data presentation allow you to solve a given geological problem as efficiently as possible. All Zond programs are built on the same ideology, so having mastered one, you can easily work in another program. The programs “understand” each other, which allows you to operate data from different methods in one program and contributes to a more comprehensive approach to data interpretation.

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By admin

We have 10 years for software training and supply full soft. We guarantee the software which we supply 100% working with full license.

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