Download Golden Software Surfer 28.1.248 x64 full license
Link download Golden Software Surfer 28.1.248 win64 full
Working with Golden Software Surfer 28.1.248 full
Description of Golden Software Surfer 28.1.248
The latest version of Golden Software Surfer includes 3D Viewer, Point Cloud Layer for LiDAR Data Processing, Base Map Symbology, Multithreaded Gridding and Color Relief Generation, and Streamlined Workflows.
Used by thousands of scientists, engineers, and educators across the globe, Surfer is a leading competitor in data modeling software. Surfer offers thirteen gridding methods to convert regularly or irregularly spaced XYZ data into uniform raster grids, including Kriging with variograms.
Surfer’s most popular new feature is the 3D view window to display maps in three-dimensional space. Any grid-based map can be displayed in the 3D view and draped with any of Surfer’s other map types.
Achieve a 360? The perspective of your map by rotating it, walking along the surface, displaying and adjusting water levels, adjusting the vertical exaggeration, or creating and recording fly-through videos to share with others.
Communicate your hard-earned findings with confidence. Whether it is for your project manager, thesis advisor, or client, Surfer facilitates a complete and thorough understanding of data. Surfer has withstood the tests of time. See why thousands of scientists and engineers across the globe trust Surfer to display their data.
Features of Golden Software Surfer 28.1.248
Contour Maps
3D Surface Maps
3D Wireframe Maps
Vector Maps
Image Maps
shaded Relief Maps
Post Maps
Base Maps
Map Overlays
Faults and Breaklines
files USGS DEM
Digitized boundaries
Automation active X
The managed object.
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