Download Bentley LARS Bridge CONNECT Edition full license
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Working with Bentley LARS Bridge CONNECT Edition
Descriptions: LARS Bridge is a software for analyzing and modeling the carrying capacity of bridges. Optimize load capacity modeling and analysis for existing and planned bridges to meet the latest AASHTO Bridge requirements for load and stability calculations, ultimate loads, allowable stresses with LARS Bridge.
On-line data entry for analyzing the carrying capacity of various types of bridge structures.
Integration with routing and permitting software for large / heavy vehicles.
Load analysis for complex bridge structures.
Direct connection to AASHTO BRIDGEWare database.
Streamline your modeling, analysis and design of existing and new bridges with an integrated toolbox. Use the required international design standards and verification methodologies.
Combine geometry modeling, superstructure analysis, and design in a single information-rich environment to create a comprehensive bridge model.
Create detailed reports, construct 3D models and 2D section, flat pattern and floor drawings.
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