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Download Solid Converter PDF 10.1.15836.9574 full license

Link download Solid Converter PDF 10.1.15836.9574 full crack

Solid Converter PDF 10.1.15836.9574 full license

Solid Converter PDF 10.1.15836.9574 full license

Working with Solid Converter PDF 10.1.15836.9574 full

Working with Solid Converter PDF 10.1.15836.9574 full

Description: Solid Converter PDF 10.1 is a software from Solid Documents to convert PDF documents to Word, Excel, PowerPoint, HTML or plain text file and also create PDF from any program that can print. Easily convert your PDFs to editable Word documents without retyping. It is also possible to convert tables in PDF to editable Excel documents. Solid Converter PDF will do this for you with ease.
Features of Solid Converter PDF 10.1 program:
Ability to convert PDF to Word, Excel, HTML, PowerPoint, plain text file
The ability to scan to Word (that is, it converts directly from the scan to an editable Word file using a plugin that is installed in Word)
Ability to extract data such as photos from PDF documents
Extract data from PDF documents and save in formats like CSV
The ability to convert the whole pdf or parts of it
Installable plugin for Word software
Adding specifications such as title, author, subject, keywords, etc. to output documents
Password on production pdf documents
Ability to use AES 256 encryption for production documents
Preview settings
Search capability
Create PDF using office suite software
The ability to extract pages from a PDF in the form of another document or each in a separate PDF document
Convert multiple files simultaneously to save time
Create PDF from images
Create PDF through the virtual PDF driver that is installed with the program
The ability to combine PDF documents into a single document
The ability to compress and reduce the size of the final file for uses such as the web
Ability to set display defaults for Acrobat software, such as display layout, initial zoom and page thumbnail display (these settings will be effective only when the end user opens the Acrobat document)
The possibility of automatically creating a PDF bookmark outline from Word, PowerPoint, Excel, etc. documents
If you want to download Solid Converter PDF 10.1 full license, please click to DOWNLOAD symbol and complete check out a little help my website is maintained. The download link is appeared automatically when you complete check out.

Please see youtube video for download instruction by open *.txt file and copy youtube video link paste to your browser If you don’t know how to download.
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By admin

We have 10 years for software training and supply full soft. We guarantee the software which we supply 100% working with full license.

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