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Download Visible Body Anatomy and Physiology 1.5.04 x86 x64 full license

Link download Visible Body Anatomy and Physiology 1.5.04 win32 win64 full crack

Working with Visible Body Anatomy and Physiology 1.5.04 full

Working with Visible Body Anatomy and Physiology 1.5.04 full

Description: Visible Body Anatomy and Physiology is a unique product from Visible Body for a complete understanding of the anatomy (or anatomy) and physiology of the human body. With this program, you will easily get acquainted with body parts, their structure, function and physiology and their relationship with each other. The human body, the masterpiece of creation, is made up of so many amazing systems and units. Each system consists of different organs. One of the necessary prerequisites for all physicians, medical students, researchers and body science enthusiasts is a basic knowledge of the various organs of the human body.
This program provides a very enjoyable experience to get acquainted with the human body by using three-dimensional and accurate images as well as various animations. The program introduces the different organs of the body step by step and in the form of separate chapters. Of course, if you only need to get acquainted with a specific member, you can easily write and find the desired word in the search box. This software has also considered exams to measure your information and knowledge, by answering them, your score and score will be calculated and displayed. This program is a special offer of Denlodley and we recommend that you use this program along with other study sources to know the human body more precisely, because 3D images and animations convey concepts much better.
Features and characteristics of Visible Body Anatomy and Physiology:
Use 3D images and attractive animations to get acquainted with anatomy and physiology
Provides complete anatomy and physiology of 12 different body systems
Ability to zoom in on images without loss of quality
Provide detailed textual information alongside images
Use appropriate tools such as step-by-step tests to better teach and assess knowledge
More than 50 different chapters or modules
More than 80 different animations to understand physiology, 85 images and more than 500 3D images with the ability to rotate and zoom
More than 65 four-choice tests and autopsy tests for hundreds of human body structures
Ability to take notes of important information in the application
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Please see youtube video for download instruction by open *.txt file and copy youtube video link paste to your browser If you don’t know how to download.
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If you also can not install it or any problems, please contact to me by email:, then I will help you to install software by teamviewer.
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