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Aug 302020

Download Intergraph 2014 SP1 v6.00.01 win32 win64 full license forever

Link download Intergraph 2014 SP1 v6.00.01 x86 x64 full cracked

Intergraph 2014 SP1 v6.00.01 x86 x64 full license

Intergraph 2014 SP1 v6.00.01 x86 x64 full license

Working with Intergraph 2014 SP1 v6.00.01 full

Working with Intergraph 2014 SP1 v6.00.01 full

Descriptions: In 1859, William Smith and his two sons discovered the first crude oil well (Colonel Draks) in Pennsylvania. With this discovery, the need for suitable containers for storing oil was felt and the authorities thought of providing suitable tanks with sufficient volume around the drilled well. Therefore, the first tank of wood with a capacity of 8 barrels was built and installed near the well.

Fuel storage tanks
In the early days of the oil trade, all tanks were built in the shape of a cube, measuring four feet long, four feet wide and three feet high. In 1861, a man named Akin built the first cylindrical tank 8 feet in diameter and 8 feet high. Leakage and evaporation in the reservoir were not considered a serious problem at that time, as the production of primary refineries was typically kerosene and lubricating oil. Tank welding was invented in the early 1920s and was introduced as the first standard to the reservoir industry. Since then, the reservoir industry has made significant progress, the most important of which was the construction of floating roof tanks in 1922.

At present, in our country alone, more than one thousand main reservoirs with capacities ranging from one thousand cubic meters to one hundred and sixty thousand cubic meters are installed in oil depots for storing petroleum products. Given the investment made in fuel and tanks with a total capacity of more than six billion liters, it is obvious that their proper maintenance and use will be absolutely important and vital.

Regarding the standardization of the methods of design and construction of atmospheric tanks and its related details, the Petroleum Institute of the United States of America has prepared the API 650 standard for oil storage tanks and to date, several versions of this standard have been prepared. In addition, the need for fast and low-cost design and calculations in today’s engineering world has led to the creation of numerous atmospheric reservoir design software.

Intergraph TANK software
Intergraph TANK is a powerful software for designing, analyzing and evaluating fuel and liquid storage tanks, the first version of which was introduced in 1994.

Intergraph TANK software has a very high ability in analysis and its output is very close to the real model. The advantage of Tank software is that the design instructions and formulas in its various sections are based on the information and content in the API 650 standard.

Some of the features of Intergraph TANK software are:
Design, analysis and evaluation of fuel and liquid storage tanks
Construction of tanks with fixed roof, dome and floating or without roof
Perform calculations based on API Standards 650/653
Create a purification environment based on the API 2000 Section standard
Construction of cylindrical and rectangular ventilation pipes
Extraordinary integration system for rectangular tanks
Display technical details based on a standardized map
Provide output in the form of tables and graphs
Have a powerful database for analyzing structures
Calculation of creep resistance in dependence on a temperature spectrum using Miner’s law
Ability to simulate and model wind flow, vibration and earthquake
Create a complete and consistent report of calculations performed and control errors
Cost analysis and cost optimization model
Can be installed in small components (modular) according to customer needs
And …
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