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May 122020

Download CSC Orion 18.0 SP3 Standard x86 x64 full license forever

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Working with CSC Orion 18.0 SP3 Standard full license
Working with CSC Orion 18.0 SP3 Standard full license

Description: CSC Orion is a powerful software for designing and analyzing concrete buildings and structures. With this program, you can design all kinds of concrete buildings and structures with high speed and accuracy. The program is completely graphical. All the elements used have familiar symbols such as columns, beams, slabs, etc. in the program that you can put together and connect these elements to design the desired structure. One of the most important parts of a structural design program is its support for international standards. Each building must be constructed according to certain rules and standards in order to obtain the necessary permits for the intended activity. The program supports UK and New Eurocode international codes and works according to the above standards when designing, analyzing, proposing and general framework.
Another important part of these programs is their analysis. Basically, much of the difference in the capabilities of structural design and analysis programs is related to this area. CSC Orion has a special ability to analyze and analyze the design and all parts of the structure are analyzed according to different standards and also based on critical and border conditions. Wherever there is a design problem, the user is alerted using appropriate signs and colors. The analysis that this program performs is based on finite element methods and is based on frame analysis, which has a high accuracy. It is easy to create accurate documents and documents with details in this program, and in fact, the user does not interfere much in the production of these documents. Any changes you make to the design will be reflected in the documentation. It is compatible with other engineering programs such as Autodesk Revit.
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