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Download Simplify3D 4.1.2 Multilanguage x86 x64 full license forever

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Working with Simplify3D 4.1.2 full license

Working with Simplify3D 4.1.2 full license

Descriptions: Simplify3D announced the release of Version 4.1.2 of its 3D printing software. The new version includes extended capabilities for multi-material 3D printers, intelligent toolpaths for improved print quality, and expanded customization options for greater control over the printing process.
Multi-Material Capabilities
Simplify3D has been updated for multi-extruder hardware, with support for up to 6 materials printing simultaneously. This provides greater freedom for applications such as color-mixing or customized material properties. The software automatically manages material changes using a disposable prime pillar or ooze shield to increase stability and improve material separation.
Intelligent Toolpath Generation
As projects become more complex, users rely on intelligent software tools to streamline the print preparation process. Version 4.1.2 introduces new collision avoidance logic that will automatically detect potential collisions during the build and alter the print strategy accordingly. The release also includes a new bridging algorithm that can adjust the scanning direction for small gaps based on the model topology. The software can also alter solid layers within a print to create a stronger bond with the outer “shell” of the model, increasing the Z-axis strength of the printed parts.
Multi-Part Sequences
New enhancements provide more options when printing multiple parts on a single build platform. The software offers an improved ability to define completely independent settings for neighboring parts, allowing detailed customization between models. The printing order can also be customized, specifying individual parts that should be completely printed one-at-a-time or groups of parts that should be printed simultaneously on the same layer.
Build File Generation
Simplify3D Version 4.1.2 includes changes that allow the software to deal with larger and more complex builds. The new release also offers improved print time estimations by simulating the actual behavior of the printer control system for increased fidelity. The post-processing scripting engine within the software was also improved, allowing for rapid modifications to the build files prior to export.
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