Download ESI VA One 2018.0 Win64 full license 100% working
Link download ESI VA One 2018.0 x64 full cracked forever
Working with ESI VA One 2018.0 x64 full license
Description: ESI VA One product from ESI GROUP designed for the design and analysis of vibro-acoustics
The program allows you to take into account the optimal characteristics of noise and vibrations at the design stage and ensure the fulfillment of vibro-acoustic requirements without additional costs and weight gain.
Innovative integration of finite element analysis (FEA) and statistical analysis (SEA) into the same model allows the user to solve problems as successfully as with the separate use of the SEA and FEA methods
VA One includes, of course, AutoSEA2, a standard vibroacoustic analysis program for the medium and high frequencies, and Rayon, a solver, which has already proven its effectiveness in vibroacoustic analysis for the low frequencies. In addition, VA One uses a proprietary technology that ensures a clear interaction of the finite element method (FEM) with the boundary element method (BEM) and the statistical analysis method (SEA) in a single analysis. VA One is the only solution that covers the full range of vibro-acoustic analysis in a friendly environment.
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