Download Golden Software Strater 4.6 build 1700 x86 x64 full license

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Golden Software Strater 4.6 build 1700
Golden Software Strater 4.6 build 1700
Working with Golden Software Strater 4.6 build 1700 full license
Working with Golden Software Strater 4.6 build 1700 full license

Description: Golden Software Strater is a tool for spatial mapping of geological sections and wells in the form of customizable diagrams based on database files, LAS files, ODBC and OLE DB data sources.
Strater is a well log and borehole plotting software program that imports your data from a multitude of sources (database files, data files, LAS files, ODBC, and OLE DB data sources). Strater provides innumerable ways to graphically display your data. All the logs are fully customizable to suit your needs. Design and save template and scheme files to make log creation efficient and consistent, create multi-page continuous logs, and quickly display new borehole logs. Utilize the header and footer panes to store all the information about the logs, such as well number, driller, location, method, company name, and company logo. The flexibility of the Strater offers is unparalleled.
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We have 10 years for software training and supply full soft. We guarantee the software which we supply 100% working with full license.

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